RIO Systems provides RIOsys Series modules for NI myRIO.
Industry standard signals (0-10V, 0-20mA, 300Vrms, 5Arms, etc.)
Digital measurement and control (24VDC)
Bank-to-bank, ch-to-ch, and ch-to-gnd isolation
Hot-swappable I/O modules
Chassis with 4 slot and 2 slot options
Additional screw terminal blocks for DSUB connectors
I/O modules Enclosure for better protection in case of hazardous signal levels

4ch AI 5Arms
4ch AI 300Vrms
24 Bit

The RIOsys 9001 is a differential
analog input for 4 voltage and 4 current
channels. The wide measurement
the range is well-suited for high-voltage
and current measurement applications
such as power metering, power quality
monitoring, etc.
The Voltage and Current Input
channels can measure power and
energy consumption for applications
such as appliance and electronic

32 ch DIO
24 VDC
Sinking DI
Sourcing DO
The RIOsys 9002 is a combination
digital input, digital output module for
NI myRIO system. The digital input
lines are compatible with 24 V logic
levels and the digital output lines are
compatible with 6 V to 30 V signals,
based on the external power supply.
It works with industrial logic levels and
signals for direct connection to a wide
array of industrial switches,
transducers, and other devices.
8ch AI
18 Bit

The RIOsys 9003 is a configurable
voltage and current input module for NI
myRIO system. It has eight
configurable channels of 0-20mA or
0-10V input.
The RIOsys 9003 has a standard 16-pin
screw-terminal for use with cables and
connector blocks.